Common Types of Research Papers: Effective Guide
When you are studying in college or university, you definitely should know everything about the common types of research papers. Being able to distinguish one from another and write each of these papers following high academic standards, you will be able to impress your instructor by a professional approach. Producing a research paper has never been easy. It requires gathering the appropriate information, analyzing it, and developing a well-structured paper following the classic structure. If your writing skills are far from being perfect, we recommend you to read our effective guide and learn more about all the types of research papers.
What Is a Research Paper?
So, what is a research paper? A research paper is an academic assignment that requires conducting in-depth academic research and presenting the findings in a clear and concise paper. When working on a research paper, the writer should work with credible and peer-reviewed scholarly research articles, test a scientific hypothesis, and present the substantial findings that can contribute to the topic analysis. Since the whole research paper is usually based on the data obtained, the writer should be very careful when selecting the sources. All of them should be credible, accurate, and up-to-date. Also, all ideas and opinions taken from these sources should be carefully cited according to the formatting style requested by the instructor. We assure you that the research paper assignment is a particularly useful instrument for checking the student`s level of preparation, as well as their writing, research, and critical thinking skills. Therefore, the following guide aims to provide you with the essential information on the common types of research papers so that you could boost your writing proficiency.
Analytical Research Paper: Professional Advice
An analytical research paper usually provides a thorough analysis of the particular topic using the best writing techniques. When writing such a research paper, the writer cannot be biased or subjective. All arguments suggested in an analytical research paper should be supported with strong textual evidence. Make sure to back up your words with recent statistics, accurate facts, and expert opinions.
Argumentative Research Paper: Tips and Hints
An argumentative research paper is a unique piece that requires taking a particular position and supporting it with the help of strong arguments. Such a research paper is usually compared with a persuasive essay because both these papers require suggesting strong arguments persuading the target audience on a specific viewpoint. Very often, argumentative research papers are written on debatable topics such as abortion, death penalty, gun control, etc.
Definition Research Paper: Creating a Wonderful Piece of Writing
As the name suggests, a definition research paper should explain a particular definition from different perspectives. When working with one definition, the writer should mention various contexts in which this definition can be used. Considering the nature of the research paper, such a piece cannot be based merely on the writer`s opinion and requires thorough work with sources.
Compare and Contrast Essay Writing: Expert Help
A compare and contrast essay is the favorite assignment of many students because they like to compare the similar and different features of specific subjects or issues. A compare and contrast essay may have a different structure. For instance, the writer may gather all similarities in one paragraph and all the differences in another one. Also, the writer may dedicate one paragraph to the comparison of two subjects in accordance with a specific characteristic. For instance, when comparing two movies, the writer may gather all similarities and differences in separate paragraphs. Alternatively, they can compare and contrast the plot, music, characters, or director`s style in separate paragraphs.
Cause and Effect Essay Writing: Useful Information
A cause and effect essay is written in order to explore the causes and consequences of the particular policy, event, or action. Applying the best critical thinking skills, the writer should track the results of the particular action or event and familiarize the reader with them. Such a paper can be written not only about the events that have already happened but also about the ones that are only going to happen. As such, by suggesting the potential consequences, positive or negative, the writer will present a thorough analysis of the significance of the specific issue or event.
Working on an Interpretive Essay
An interpretive essay is usually assigned to the students pursuing their degrees in the literature and social sciences fields. Such a paper requires using the knowledge and skills obtained by the student from a particular case study. For instance, the student may write an interpretive essay to analyze a specific form of art, composition, book, etc.
Report Writing: Basic Steps
Being one of the most common academic tasks, a report usually outlines the case study or a particular situation from different angles. Such a paper should clearly identify the subject for analysis, its characteristic features, and suggest practical recommendations based on the well- structured assessment.
Al in all, we guarantee that knowing the characteristic features of the papers mentioned above, you will be able to impress your professor and maintain the reputation as a hard-working and result-oriented student, who takes care of their academic performance. Polish your writing skills to perfection and reach the outstanding outcome!