Coursework "Challenging Responsibilities in HRM"

The Challenges of Responsible Recruitment

The Role of Recruitment and Selection

The recruitment and selection practices play an important role in HRM. Recruitment is a process of attracting the required human resources. Selection practice, on the other hand, is picking those people who are suitable for a certain job. Recruitment is the first step of the entire employment process. People usually confuse the selection practice with recruitment, but these terms differ. Recruitment has a selection function, but its main aim is to find, develop the sources, and attract them. The main objectives of recruitment are attracting people with necessary skills and developing an organizational culture. The selection practice only chooses necessary people (Adler 1990).

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Speaking about the role of the recruitment and selection practices in relation to specific groups in society, it is necessary to mention that a human resource manager should be responsible for recruitment equalities. At the present time, one often deals with the issues of racial, gender, or minority discrimination in the recruitment process; that is why, human resource management should be found on ethical principles and organizational culture (Agarwala 2003).

The Impact of the Changing HR Strategy

It is evident that the HR strategy is constantly changing and becoming more innovative and global. Globalization of the HR strategy influences the traditional recruitment practices making them untraditional. First of all, recruitment is based on diversity of employment; it means that employees are recruited from around the world. Globalization makes the HR strategy more efficient; as a result, the process of recruitment also becomes more efficient and effective. At the present time, the HR strategy is based on diversity of human resources; that is why, the main challenge of the recruitment practices is to involve different employees and create a good team of them. The traditional recruitment practice is based on the selection of employees. However, innovative recruitment not only selects employees according to their skills, but also tries to join them in a team to make them work successfully.

The Economic, Social and Technological Changes

At the present time, recruitment and selection undergo economic, social, and technological changes. The economic changes concern payment of work and influence recruitment and selection processes. Today, the employment opportunities, unemployment rate, and labor market conditions shape the processes of recruitment and selection. It is evident that the new employment opportunities increase demand on recruitment and selection while unemployment decreases demand on recruitment and selection. Sociocultural changes are associated with the diversification of the labor force. Involving people of different cultures, races, and nationalities makes them work more effective and efficient; that is the practice is popular nowadays. Technological changes concern development of new technologies that demand new skills and abilities; consequently, during recruitment, a human resource manager should orient on innovative processes (Adler 1990).

The Role of Responsible Restructuring

The Internal and External Pressures to Remain Competitive

One can distinguish internal and external pressures that prevent employees from being competitive. Internal pressures include the employment opportunities, labor market conditions, supply of and demand for human resources, unemployment rate, government policies, political and legal requirements, information systems, and social factors. The internal pressures include fringe benefits, the company’s pay package, salary, quality of work life, career planning and growth opportunities, organizational culture, company’s product/services, company’s growth, and cost of recruitment. One should follow the change management and take into consideration internal and external pressures, in order to remain competitive. Change management is necessary in case of the profound changes in the operation of an organization. There are many change management models and one should choose and apply the most suitable one taking into consideration the main issues of an organization and the real state of affairs in the organization. The change management model is based on taking a new direction that will benefit an organization. A company can apply the change management models when an organization faces financial problems, human resource management issues, or poor leadership (Washington Community and Technical Colleges 2011).

The Importance of Good Citizenship

Good citizenship is extremely important for HRM as it is a basement of good relationships between employer and employees, team work, and coordinated movement in the same direction. Being a good citizen means to be hard-working, respectful, and helpful. It is important to be good citizens and good employees as this provides a sense of respect, mutual understanding, and collaboration between employers and employees. Good citizenship is the basement for organizational culture. Organizational culture allows showing the differences between organizations and gives the possibility to generate the commitment of employees to their common affair. Moreover, the culture sets organizational standards, rules, and norms; it makes achieving objectives and goals possible (Murray 2009).

Good citizenship can be achieved by organizational culture and attracting and retaining a talented workforce. The culture of trust creates a friendly atmosphere. Moreover, a company should be dedicated to its employees and provide opportunities, training, and tools for their success and growth.

The Benefits of Adopting Business Practices

Without a doubt, adopting new business practices will benefit a company but they should not be redundant as this can lead to failure. All adopting business practices should respond to objectives of the company and be easy for implementation. Adopting business practices should not be sudden. All of them should be well-planned, strategic, and follow the policy of the company. Too many business practices lead to redundancies that can influence negatively the company's reputation and dissatisfaction of employees who are responsible for implementation of new business practices.

The Need for Open Communication and Dialogue

Without a doubt, open communication and dialogue with employees are necessary for an effective functioning of HRM. Open communication will help new employees to adjust to the organization's environment. This process concerns an employee’s knowledge, skills, abilities, and requirements of a job. Open communication gives an opportunity to share the values of an organization and an employee’s personal values. The main methods include employee orientation programs, realistic job previews, mentoring, and socialization tactics. They are designed to influence the newcomers’ learning and adaptations. Open communication makes use of talent dialogue and helps in finding a solution to problems and reaching common compromises (Agarwala 2003).

Relationships at Work and their Effect

Performance Management as a Fair Process

Performance management should be a fair process and tool for development. Employees are important assets of any organization. Therefore, it is important for managers to ensure that their workforce is always effective and efficient. This task can only be achieved with the employee performance appraisals and team performance appraisals. The Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence System, Evaluation Management Systems are perfect innovations in the world of business that benefit the development of the performance management. They help overcome weaknesses and reinforce strengths. One recommends using measurement performance systems in the organizations. Measurement performance systems can be an effective implementation in the organizations. They usually provide a good opportunity for the companies to develop and innovate. The performance measurement systems have many advantages. They stimulate the increase in profits. Business Intelligence system contains data about all products and services, their prices, rate level in the market, and information on whether the customers buy or ignore them. It defines the target market. Measurement performance systems define possible products and services that may be in demand among customers. When the company loses their clients, measurement performance systems may define the main reasons of this problem and ways to solve it. Without a doubt, these ways are only predictions but them prepare a straight way to the real solutions (Allan 2006).

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The Work Relationships

The work relationships should be friendly and positive. Employers have a legal responsibility of creating favorable environments for employees. There are numerous scenarios, which force employees to quit their jobs. The employment law requires that an employer’s behavior is tolerable and tries to improve life of employees. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from practicing employment discrimination on the basis of color, sex, race, social background, or religion. Employers ought to respect and protect the rights and interests of all employees irrespective of their social or cultural backgrounds. However, there are cases that force employees to pursue constructive dismissal. Constructive dismissal, also referred to as constructive discharge, takes place when an employee opts to quit or resign due to the behavior of their employer (Tyler 2013).

Many organizations around the world have made headlines in a bad way. This commonly occurs because of organizational misconduct by either the organization itself or the management. This problem is associated with poor ethical decision making. In order to achieve proper ethical decision making at all levels of an organization, it is critical for the company to adopt appropriate strategies. One of these strategies is promoting ethical leadership. Ethical leaders promote ethical considerations in their company’s decisions. Ethical leadership fosters positive relationships between all stakeholders of the organization thus providing a wide range of benefits at all levels of the organization. Poor relationships often have far-reaching negative effect on the decision-making process in an organization. It adversely affects the attitude of the stakeholders; hence, they cannot engage in their duties and responsibilities effectively. Ethical leadership creates a bonding agent that makes all stakeholders feel they are making fruitful and valuable contribution to the organization (Zheng, Yang & McLean 2010).

The Role of Respect in the Workplace

It is extremely important to achieve respect in the workplace as this is also a step to the development of HRM. Respect is one of the most important notions of ethics that defines wrongness and rightness of a person’s behavior and deeds. Ethics is the following of moral rules; it criticizes deception, lying, information suppression, violation of rules, and abuse of power; it requires the healthcare workers to make the right decisions. Ethics and professional behavior are the basis of workplace. The feeling of respect between an employer and employees can be seen in caring about employees, paying a good salary, promotions, and appraisals. The feeling of respect between employees can be seen in their cooperation, mutual help and support (Toterhi & Recardo 2012).

Equal Pay and its Effect on Organization

Without a doubt, every employee wants to get a good salary. However, the problem is that not every employee works in the same way; that is why, it would be unfair to pay equally. Equal pay can provoke conflicts and misunderstanding. The most important thing is to find and employ proper conflict resolution techniques to solve the issues. All employees are people with different needs and goals; one should give them time to adjust to each other and then show their skills and abilities. Company’s management should propose flexible system of promotions and merits for those who work better than others (Tidd & Bessant 2009).

The Processes and Policies for the Management of Technology

The Role of Employee Usage Monitoring

Reporting and recording of employee usage is very important for measuring efficiency of human resources. One proposes such techniques for monitoring employee usage: self-assessment survey made by employees aimed at clarification of the public opinion regarding the issue; evaluation and group discussion of the survey results in order to understand how each worker sees this change and arrange a generally accepted plan of transition to the new services and activities; scheduling the Internet-technology (Kipnis & Glickman 1962).

The monitoring and review of the employee usage are very important procedures in the workplace. Indeed, they are vital for supporting an organizational culture. One should take care about having specific and routine reports on the realization of human resource policy in the companies. Employee information should be saved not only for statistics but for analyzing of organizational issues and their prevention in the future (Ford, Quinones, Sego & Sorra 1990).

The Techniques Used for Email Management

Email management is one of the branches of communication management. Email management uses such techniques: clarifying the employees’ motivational measures: this is to be done via a survey tool to maintain a mutually beneficial communication between an employer and workers and encourage their participation by the realisation of their needs (new skills attained, etc.); allowing them to tell their own story: briefings and group discussions may be suitable in this regard; explaining that there are both pros and cons in the process, but the future positive outcomes are worth risking: namely, a larger number of customers, a larger salary as a result of the raised sales are among the benefits. The Internet technology helps hire new employees, communicate with the staff and conduct on-line conferences and discussions (Allan, 2006).

The Rationale Behind Surveillance in the Workplace

Many employers use surveillance in the workplace in order to control the working process and avoid any mistakes and failures. However, using surveillance demonstrates a lack of trust to employees. It is reasonable to give some level of privacy at work as this only stimulates employees. However, this level of privacy should not create a risk of productivity loss and legal liability. Using surveillance also belongs to ethical issues; that is why, ethical leaders give some level of privacy to their employees. It is not always a guarantee, however, that the ethical leadership promotes ethical workplace. It is recommended that ethical leadership is supplemented with supporting formal ethical systems (Damanpour, Szabat & Evan 1989).

In order to make an organization innovative, one should not only train special skills but create a positive environment within the organization and support organizational culture between employees. Organizational culture includes attitudes, values, and beliefs concerning practices and goals of an organization. Employee’s motivation, job satisfaction, adopting new methods and technologies, creativity in products and strategies, and a good company image can generate innovations (Beardwell 2001).

The Development of Employees

Employees are an important part of any organization. Therefore, it is crucial for managers to ensure that their workforce is always effective and efficient. This can only be achieved through employee performance appraisals and team performance appraisals. Each of these activities should be done following the recommendations discussed above. Succession planning is another strategy that an organization should adopt in order to ensure that professional and skilled employees exist throughout the entire life of an organization (Anderson 2013).

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The Human Resource Management Strategy is an intention to find the potential in a particular person or other people. It manages to bring employees’ talent to light and find something that distinguishes one person from another. The Human Resource Management Strategy creates links between labor market, central cultural, and ethical values. It is a wrong thought that the HRM strategy is important only for business companies, organizations, and labor market. The HRM strategy is essential for every personality that is determined and hard-working and tries to develop his/her abilities and skills (Aiken & Keller 2009).

HR’s Role in Learning and Development

The Human Resource Management Strategy is based on talent, innovations, experiments, practice, and endless possibilities. Every person can develop these categories, but the level of potentials and abilities are difficult to measure.

The Human Resource Management Strategy is a significant feature of every organization, as well as of the leader and workers. The main dimensions of the Human Resource Management Strategy are strategic planning, leadership, and strategic goals and tactics, which are necessary for solving problems, making decisions, and cooperation with people. Nowadays, the Human Resource Management Strategy is an essential part of any company or person’s development and improvement (Armstrong 2001).

Human Resource Management is a system of strategies and activities that aim at providing successfully managing employees for achieving organizational goals. The human resource of any organization or company is its employees. That is why, in order to be successful, an organization should take care about the employees' productivity. Human Resource Management should be applied in strategic planning, job analysis, job design, employee termination, recruitment and selection, employee motivation, and negotiations with the organized labor (Armstrong & Baron 2002).

It is important for Human Resource Management to transform from primarily administrative and operational to a more strategic partner. Human Resource Management is based on the two approaches: purely administrative and strategic ones. When speaking about purely administrative role of Human Resource Management, it is necessary to say that it only facilitates paperwork and concerns the objectives of hiring employees and handling their work (Authenticity Consulting).

When Human Resource Management performs a strategic function, it will guarantee more success for the company. A strategic function of Human Resource Management gives a possibility to the company to move to a higher level, improve profits and incomes, and increase the value of employees. Strategic approach to Human Resource Management creates competitive advantages and executive succession (Darroch & McNaughton 2002).

Strategic Human Resource Management aims at providing a competitive advantage of a company's workforce. Employees should be well trained, motivated, experienced, and dedicated; this is the strategic approach of Human Resource Management that can solve the problem. Well-trained and motivated employees can demonstrate increased productivity and efficiency in operations of a company. Increasing product quality also depends on employees; that is why, one should not ignore this aspect of management (Beer, Spector, Lawrence, Mills & Walton 1985).

Strategic Human Resource Management is based on hiring employees with high potential and desire for professional growth. Besides, Strategic Human Resource Management gives an opportunity to all employees to train, learn, and grow. Strategic Human Resource Management also demands an executive succession that is vital especially for small businesses (Wilkes, Yip & Simmons 2011).

Innovation is impossible without talent, risk, experiments, practice, and endless possibilities. Every person can develop these categories, but the level of potentials and abilities are difficult to measure. Strategic Human Resource Management is based on the hiring of employees with high potential and desire for professional growth. Besides, Strategic Human Resource Management also gives an opportunity to all employees to train, learn, and grow. It is evident that training is a way to organizational innovation. Organizational innovation is a process of generating new behavior and ideas within the organization (Chen & Huang 2009). Organizational innovation is a multiple and complex process that is evaluated from two perspectives: breadth of innovation and depth of innovation. Breadth of innovation includes manufacture of products and services. Depth of innovation includes the degree of influence and importance.

With the development of innovative technologies, many organizations are looking for new ideas, ways, experimentation and solutions for improving their services and products; that is why, organizational innovation can solve this dilemma.

Nobody denies the fact that the employee training can improve organizational performance. Employee training develops a sense of well-being, dignity, and self-worth. As a result, employees become more confident in their abilities and skills. Training results in increased productivity of the company’s employees. At first, they achieve personal goals and then they fulfill the company goals.

Implementing innovation in organization training is not the only way of doing this. Satisfaction and employee commitment can also be the driving forces for the development and innovation. For example, performance appraisal also stimulates employees to work, creativity, and commitment. Performance appraisal also leads them to innovative activities and additional bonuses. Besides, motivation is the most powerful way to innovation. Another driving force of organizational innovation is training; it helps to master ability, skill, and knowledge that contribute to innovation of the production processes, products and services (Dolezalek 2002).

An effective HRM is a way of increasing organizational performance and production; that is why it should be involved in the organization’s management. To help the organization achieve competitive advantage, one should conduct different seminars and conferences, where employees can receive relevant theoretical material, and then apply it practically. Innovation is impossible without talent, experiments, practice, and endless possibilities. Undoubtedly, employee training can improve an organization’s innovation performance. Employee training develops a sense of well-being, dignity and self-worth; as a result, employees become more confident in their abilities and skills. It is evident that training is an effective way to introduce organizational innovation. Organizational innovation is a process of creating new behavior and ideas within the organization.

The Role of Health and Safety at the Workplace

Implementing systems and policies for health, safety, and security, companies may deal with the issues of the employer-based coverage, losses of costs, decreasing of price on their services, complaints of employees and their clients, high competition, and even lawsuits.

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Companies that are implementing systems and policies for health, safety, and security may deal with the employer-based coverage. It means that they should release all employees who are not ready to follow safety and security rules; that is why, they are able to deal with the problem of quick changes of workers. The workers are not attached to a stable job. They are always looking for better places, with higher salaries and insurance; any additional control in health, safety, and security may bother them (Whiteside, Tsey & Cadet-James 2011).

The eternal dilemma of all companies is lack of money. Implementing systems and policies for health, safety, and security means additional costs. Companies should implement such procedures as risk assessment, and hazard methods for analysing accidents and injuries at the workplace. The companies should also spend money on learning and training employees in safety and security at their workplace. They should do their best, in order to create positive health and safety culture among employees and clients (Toterhi & Recardo 2012).

The next dilemma is that clients constantly are complaining about rudeness of the l workers, problems with insurance, low quality of services in the questions of health, safety and security that is why, the companies should find the ways for struggling with such problems. It is worth mentioning that monitoring and review should not be formal statistics, but a step to prevention accidents and injuries. The reviews should contain reporting and preventive information and incident data clearly. For monitoring of accidents and incidents, companies can use periodic audits, carry out risk control, and assess workplace health and safety data.


In conclusion this coursework, it is necessary to say that HRM is a way of increasing organizational performance and production; that is why, it should be involved in the organization’s management. To help the organization achieve competitive advantage, one should conduct different seminars and conferences where employees can receive relevant theoretical information and then apply it practically. Innovation is impossible without talent, experiments, practice, and endless possibilities.

However, at the present time, HRM deals with many challenges that are connected with traditional recruitment practices, health and safety in the workplace, learning and development practices, strategic and organizational issues, influence of global, political, cultural, social and economic factors, internal and external pressures, relationships between an employer and employees, and a redundant number of business practices.

Recruitment and selection practices deal with the problems of specific groups in society. Racial, gender, and minority inequalities destroy reputation of the company that is why one recommends building HRM strategy on equality. HRM strategy is constantly changing under influence of global, political, cultural, social, and economic factors. However, HRM strategy only becomes effective and efficient. These are employment opportunities, unemployment rate, and labor market conditions that define the processes of recruitment and selection. The internal and external pressures create some challenges but they make a company competitive one. Good citizenship is extremely important for HRM as it is a basement of good relationships between employer and employees, a work in a team, collaboration movement in the same direction. HRM should adopt business practices in order to develop and innovate. Another problem of HRM is lack of open communication and dialogue with employees that influences badly performance and organizational management.