Immigration in America
Immigrants in America have a greater impact on the country’s economy. The change brought about by the housing market, and the purchase of goods carried out by immigrants has a significant effect on the country’s economy. Immigrants have been noted to boost the taxes paid. Large numbers of immigrants reflect the availability of more jobs leading to payment of augmented taxes. Another way is in the travel and tourism sector. Visas help to improve the country’s economy through the travel and tourism sector. In addition, it is noted that the residents of America are quite educated. Immigrants create more jobs hence enabling more residents to capture positions of work leading to the development in the country’s economy. Even though these immigrants also affect the economy in a negative way, the positive outcomes play the major role (Card, 2009).
It is commonly known that immigrants have to look for areas of settlement. However, they move not to the most expensive areas but the moderate regions of the country. The rising numbers of immigrants contribute to the increased wealth in the housing sector and increased demand for goods produced within the country. Since the majority of the regions in the US are a bit expensive for the new dwellers, it drives them to purchase moderate houses. They renovate the less desirable neighborhoods creating room for the middle class working Americans. It is noted that in every venture of 1,000 immigrants, 250 Native Americans pop in ready to purchase the mended houses. In doing this, they help to boost the country’s housing wealth through solving one of its major problems of housing affordability. Immigrants do not settle in expensive houses, hence move to the Rust Belt cities where housing is affordable. Although they renovate expensive houses in the metropolitan areas, part of the benefit goes to the housing sector, hence improving the country’s economy. Research indicates that 40 million immigrants have created $3.7 trillion in the housing wealth. They help to alleviate less desirable communities where regional prices have turned down through renovation of the buildings, and making them attractive for potential American proprietors (Card, 2009).
Immigration is a Barrier to Development
On the other hand, immigrants contribute to the decline of the Rust Belt cities. Immigration in this area acts as a barrier to development. Although these immigrants boost the country’s economy in the metropolitan areas where they renovate houses, they degenerate the wealth of the less favorable regions. The number of the US-born Americans residing in these areas has declined leaving the land to the immigrants. This poses a greater challenge to the country as the land could easily be overridden by immigrants creating losses to the country’s economy. Alternatively, it is noted that a greater number of US-born Americans sell their houses when they wear off, whereas immigrants make their savings to purchase such houses when homeowners seek to sell them (Card, 2009). This becomes a risking factor as, in the coming days, numerous houses could be owned by the immigrants. This indicates that if the US residents are not keen on their selling habits, then they could easily live in houses owned by the immigrants, a condition that could belittle the US-born Americans.
Immigrants and Taxes
Immigrants participate a lot in taxpaying. It is noted that a large number of immigrants come into the country with a common goal of creating jobs. Research indicates that high skilled immigrants are very creative and contribute a lot to job creation. The huge number of immigrants ensues in the creation of more jobs. Since it is mandatory for the jobs to pay taxes, it results in increased taxes, which boosts the country’s economy. Creation of more jobs paves the way to US-born Americans who later hold various positions in the newly created jobs. It is noted that more jobs call for numerous workers bearing in mind that each worker is entitled to pay a certain degree of tax to the economy, hence a forward step in the growth of the entire economy. Alternatively, studies indicate that not all immigrants are educated. Quite a good number of them have very little education. However, this does not prevent them from securing jobs. They are employed in the agricultural sectors where they act as casual workers. Immigrants are very determined compared to the Native Americans and strive to get the best out of every opportunity. It is noted that a good number of agricultural enterprises employ more immigrants compared to the native residents. This depicts how immigrants work through thick and thin, hence providing a path for revenue generation (Felbermayr & Kohler, 2006).
Country’s Economy
Immigrants also have a consistently larger share of the labor force compared to the Native Americans. Studies indicate that immigrants make up a labor force of 12.4%, whereas the US-born Americans make up a labor force of 11.5%. Furthermore, the ratio of comparison between immigrant use of public benefits and the amount of taxes paid by immigrants is favorable to the country. It is noted that in a case where immigrants earn about $240 billion in a year, about $90 billion is calculated in taxation while about $5 billion is used in public benefits. Another study indicated that immigrants give tax payments ranging from $20 to $30 billion, a figure that is more than the amount of the public services that they receive. Highly skilled immigrants are taxed more compared to the less educated. It is also noted that they get few public benefits compared to the US-born Americans. This condition helps to improve the country’s economy from the high rates of taxation imposed on the skilled and unskilled immigrants as depicted by Felbermayr & Kohler (2006).
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In contrast, not all immigrants pay taxes. Some of them have their own ways of evading taxation. It is noted that a good number of these immigrants do not register their premises with the right channels. They end up using corrupt means to get approval of their operations. Due to this incident, the country gets very little or nothing at all from the trades conducted by such immigrants. In the case with unskilled immigrants, very few jobs are available to them; hence little incomes are generated leading to few rates of taxes. In addition, lots of immigrants are uneducated and are not able to work well due to language barriers. However, the government focuses on providing more benefits to the less privileged without much concern on the residents. This becomes a way in which the immigrants get a lot of benefits from the government when they give very little. This is like raiding the government and sitting back to be fed. This condition results in more government expenditure and little returns hence low levels of revenues from taxation (Felbermayr & Kohler, 2006).
The Travel and Tourism Industry
The travel and tourism industry is a sector that contributes a lot to the growth of the United States’ economy. Before individuals travel to other countries, they are first obligated to get visas for their country of choice. Each country has a set price for its visas. America’s visas are costly hence provide a lot of finances to the tourism sector. The US congress has plans to make the country’s visa agreement free, a condition that will improve the number of immigrants leading to more benefits to the tourism sector. Reports indicate that immigration set a $168.1 billion in exports in the year 2012 and a rise of 7.7 million jobs provided in the same year. This is reflected as a greater impact to the country’s economy. Another issue is that immigrants from well developed countries pose greater achievements to the country (Koceski & Petrevska, 2012). Countries like China, Brazil, and India are among the top leading nations in the world of economy growth. Immigrants from these countries come to tour America with an aim of learning a lot on the country’s source of wealth, as well as building coalitions. This condition leads to the development in the tourism sector, hence an increase in the country’s economy.
Free Visas
Alternatively, the US cannot afford to make its visas free as it plans. This would lead to many immigrants flowing into the country and causing interruptions in the economic proceedings. It will also provide a way for a greater number of immigrants to enter the country through back doors. This means that they may not easily be noticed to the much work in the American borders. This will also call for more security guards at the borders, a condition that will obligate the country to make unplanned expenses leading to a decline in the country’s economy as many areas of concern may not be inspected. In reference with the US travel association, the visas earn the economy $606 billion and create about 467,000 jobs to the citizens. Due to this, the country is not likely to let go the huge amounts it receives from the trade of visas. This will mean that the usual charge of the visa will remain leading to fewer immigrants, hence a decrease in the country’s economy (Koceski & Petrevska, 2012).
Earlier in this context, it has been noted that immigrants focus on creating jobs, which has enabled the US-born Americans to acquire positions in the newly created jobs. The majority of immigrants come to the country to stay and bear children who become immigrant-born Americans. The children are entitled to attend school, and since immigrants occupy certain places of the country, they formulate their own schools. Through the construction of fresh schools, the Native Americans look forward to getting positions of teaching in the new schools. This indicates that immigrants in the US serve to pave the way for the American citizens. The newly created schools are registered with authorities hence a way for revenue generation. As noted earlier, the country poses greater taxes to the jobs created by immigrants thus enhancing the country’s economy (Iskander, Lowe & Riordan, 2010).
Coalitions with the Skilled Immigrants
A greater number of immigrants do not know how to converse fluently in English. This makes it mandatory to join English classes. They register with the courses and make payments, which boosts the economy of the country. Iskander, Lowe & Riordan (2010) affirm that some Native Americans build coalitions with the skilled immigrants in efforts to exchange ideas and innovate many issues that enhance the country’s economy. Alternatively, it is noted that immigrants give rise to many children. This condition necessitates them to send their children to public schools. Studies indicate that the public schools have a larger numbers of immigrant kids compared to the American kids. A conflict arises where the Native Americans whose kids are out of school do not want their taxes to go to the public schools creating complications to the tax collectors and finally a decrease in the country’s economy. Again, immigration raises the requirement for government services in public institutions. This creates the mandate to increase taxes to pay for the services, a condition that is not appreciated by the majority of the US-born Americans (Iskander, Lowe & Riordan, 2010).
Immigration is noted to provide huge benefits to the US economy. This is the reason as to why the government allows more immigrants into the country. The housing sector gets a lot of finances from immigration due to the invention techniques of the immigrants, which helps to boost the entire economy of the country. They renovate houses in metropolitan regions hence providing room to potential American workers and investors to purchase them. It is also highlighted that immigrants create more jobs to the US-born Americans, which helps to improve the country’s economy through the large numbers of employed people who pay taxes. The travel and tourism sector contributes a lot of revenue to the US economy through the imposition of greater charges to its visas. Immigrants settle in America and provide educational institutions which employ a greater number of the Native Americans, hence improving the country’s economy through revenue generation.