Increment Population
Nowadays the global population exceeds 7 billion people and continues growing. The population has doubled only for the last 50 years, consequently, by 2045 it may reach 9 billion (“Current World Population”, 2013). Overpopulation causes a shortage of food, diseases, growing number of uneducated and unemployed people and stronger urbanization. Human activity pollutes the environment, destroys forests, generates greenhouse gasses and depletes the ozone layer. Governments all over the world should combine their efforts to stop the growth of population, improve the standards of living and prevent ecological disasters.
Problems Caused by the Growth of Population and how They are Treated
Approximately 25,000 people die from hunger and hunger –related diseases, which is one person every four minutes (“Hunger and World Poverty”, n.d.). Despite the fact that enough food is produced all over the world, the poorest populations lack the money to buy it. Adults and children die from AIDS, pneumonia, diarrhea, tuberculosis, malaria, and measles due to limited access to health services, bad living conditions and ignorance. Moreover, families with low income cannot afford to pay for their children education and prefer to engage them in housework. Currently, more than 72 million children of primary-school age do not attend schools and 759 million adults are uneducated (“Right to Education”, n.d.). Developing countries face a problem of unemployment caused by the economic recession, which has resulted in financial crisis and deficient purchasing capacity of the population, making them unable to maintain the minimum standards of living (“Unemployment and Poverty”, 2010). Furthermore, people prefer to move to cities to find employment, especially in Asia and Africa. Thus, approximately 5 billion people will live in urban areas by 2030 (“Urbanization: A Majority in Cities”, 2007). Overcrowded urban slums do not meet sanitary norms and provoke diseases. Furthermore, growing rate of population leads to the increased demand for houses. Every year the number of construction all over the world increases by 3.5 percent. However, countries with stronger economies erect even more houses. For example, 2012 the annual rate of housing construction in the United States equaled to 18 percent, whereas in Western Europe it was 6.3 percent (Freedonia Group Inc., 2012).
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Global Charitable Donors
Global charitable donors, such as the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Stop TB Partnership, American Red Cross, World Health Organization (WHO), World Bank, UK Department for International Development (DFID), have invested considerable financial and human resources into slowing down the growth of population, combating poverty and mitigating its consequences. They implement various charitable programs mainly for the developing countries, which involve buying medicines, providing local medical services, opening schools, creating jobs, and bring new technologies and equipment. In addition, they conduct surveys and give recommendations, conduct conferences and seminars, create websites and involve the world community and national policymakers into their activities. UNFPA develops and sponsors family planning programs, protect women and children’s rights for healthy birth, safe sexual life and dignity (UNFPA, 2013). The Amsterdam Declaration 1989 budgeted USD 9,000 million as the annual funding (“A Better Life for Future Generation: Amsterdam Declaration, November 1989, n.d.). UNICEF implemented “Food for work” Programs for African adults who constructed works in exchange of food, and African children who attended a school in exchange of food. (“Hunger and World Poverty”, n.d.) In 2013, the WHO Global Malaria Program released recommendations for curing malaria (“Management of severe malaria – A practical handbook, 3rd edition”, n.d). In Millennium Declaration 2000, the world leaders agreed to improve living standards for 100 million dwellers by 2020. The World Bank runs educational programs for girls and women to change their status in the world and make them more responsible for family-planning (“Population Growth Rate” n.d.).
Global Concerns Relating to the Environment
Rapid growth of population results in global warming, pollution, destruction of biodiversity, deforestation, acid rains, and diseases. Greenhouse gases generated by human activities warm the planet and change the climate that reflects in floods, tsunami, and anomalous heat. Industries and car fuel emissions contaminate the air, land and water, making them unfit for animal life. High concentration of methane in the atmosphere causes hazardous acids rains. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, forests are cut to free land for cattle rising and agricultural activities that lead to deficient ozone generation (Bryant, n.p). Depleted ozone increases UV-B radiation affects human skins, eyes and immune system, causing skin cancer, snowblindness, cataracts and malaria. Cells of skin, damaged by sunlight, can be recognized as foreign and create cancer. When eyes are exposed to solar UV radiation in snowy mountains, their superficial layers become inflamed that brings bad pain. High-dose sunlight may also damage eye lens and cause cataracts and blindness. Finally, UV-B radiation makes skin allergic and suppresses the immune system, allowing easy penetration of malaria infection through the skin to body (Leun 102).
To sum up, in the nearest future the global community may get into a situation when all people will live in urban areas and die from epidemics or “bad ecology” diseases. They will not have enough food and drinking water and experience difficulty with finding a job. Moreover, stay outdoors will be hazardous, and the planet will be suffering from regular natural disasters. Efforts of all charitable, nongovernmental and governmental organizations are valuable, however, they can only restrain growth of the population and mitigate poverty. The problem needs resolution in the form of global industrial, social and economic reforms, supported by all national governments.