Stages of Development
Almost every human passes the stages of development that include school, college and perhaps for most individuals university which is the highest degree of educational institutions. Now it is important to make the right choice so that it would hit and help and will become competent, goal-seeking, independent, a full-fledged individual. Now my time to choose is coming. I do not think that I will lose.
Thinking about where to go and what to do brought me to the conclusion that my life will be full of sense helping people, making myself complete person with a better understanding of my body structure, of people’s health, an ability to help individual in need of it.
Health Arts and Sciences Program
Applying to the Health Arts and Sciences program I hope to find myself useful for humanity, to complete my comprehension of life and my place in it. What can be nobler than cure people or help them to resolve some other their problems? I could dream of assisting during the process of birth of a child or applying the self-aware practices treating the patient. I mean whatever a person do to patients; he or she should do it with care. Besides it is so interesting for me to learn new methodic of treatment and care patients good, to learn various information on the topic of care, whether it health philosophy or holistic studies, or anything connected with biology e.g. Ethno botany or botanical medicine, but I prefer care of people.
My decision to apply at the department of Health Arts and Sciences was predetermined by my love to nature and people. I revelaed inclination to biology sciences at the age of three. I used to help my mother to look after animals and dig vegetable patches if it could be actually called help. Then my inclination that to learning natural sciences at school became evident. My interest to it has not been limited to botany and zoology but also anatomy and other theoretical and practical branches of health study.
Moreover, I hope that the Health Arts and Sciences program will assist me in branching out in new directions, to broaden my “medical” outlook. In addition, it exposes its new edges and enriches my practice with new knowledge and skills so that I will be able to see things from new various alternative points of view, and it stands me in good stead.
I hope for some support in the Health Arts and Sciences program; it will be easier to reveal myself as a highly qualified specialist, person who aspires to do well anything he does but a little assistance would be helpful so that nothing could interfere in the making of an A1 specialist. So yes, I count on some grant.
My readiness for in-depth study is overwhelming. I will be glad to handle self-directed study in partnership with an experienced advisor.
I am sure my choice is righteous and right. My parents and friends are and will be proud of me.